Learning difficulties don’t have to be permanent; weak cognitive capacities can be identified and strengthened
Everyone has their own set of strengths and weaknesses that are as unique as they are.
If our weaknesses stop us from reaching our full potential, there is something we can do.
Fortunately, our brains are capable of changing and improving. By challenging and training our brains, we can overcome learning difficulties to get the most out of school, work and life.
The Arrowsmith Program is designed to help students reach their full potential by offering exercises that improve a full range of cognitive abilities. Programs are tailored to meet the needs of each individual, based on an abilities assessment before starting the program.
Which Programs Do We Offer?
Full-Time and Part-Time Program
The results of the assessment guide us to determine which of the Arrowsmith exercises will have the most impact on strengthening the individualised cognitive areas.
Based on the student’s learning profile determined by the assessment, an individualized program will be designed.
Each cognitive program has been designed to target a specific area of learning difficulty and each student’s program is tailored for that student’s particular needs.
Each cognitive program requires four hours of student engagement per week.
Learn more about the 10 cognitive functions the Arrowsmith Program addresses.
The Programs can be delivered on-site or on-line.
If you think you or someone close to you could benefit from this program, we’d love to speak with you. Fill out the Expression of Interest form, and we will get in touch with you to discuss more.
If you think you or someone close to you could benefit from this program, we’d love to speak with you.
Fill out the Expression of Interest form, and we will get in touch with you to discuss more.
Cognitive Enhancing Program
The Cognitive Enhancement Program provides participants with a structured cognitive exercise program specifically aimed to enhance the Symbol Relations cognitive function.
This function is a critical part of higher order reasoning and processing, and is responsible for:
- Processing concepts across all academic disciplines
- Understanding and quickly grasping what is read and heard
- Gaining insight
- Logical reasoning and seeing connections between ideas
- Cause and effect processing
- Mathematical reasoning
Individuals working on this cognitive exercise have enhanced their ability to:
- Process concepts across all academic disciplines
- Comprehend and quickly grasp what is read and heard
- Process complex relationships such as cause and effect
- Reason logically
- See connections between ideas
- Gain insight
- Reason mathematically
If you think you or someone close to you could benefit from this program, we’d love to speak with you.
Fill out the Expression of Interest form, and we will get in touch with you to discuss more.
Motor Symbol Sequencing Program
This Program only addresses the Motor Symbol Sequencing (MSS) area which is responsible for the motor planning necessary for efficient and automatic writing.
A strong Motor Symbol Sequencing function means the ability to improve our writing, typing, and reading speed. It also means no longer requiring extra time on tests and assignments; written expression matching verbal ability; spelling becoming automatic and no more ‘careless errors’ in reading and mathematics.
Strengthening this function provides the ability to communicate in ways never before possible.
Requirements are 6 hours a week with the student’s progress constantly reviewed and monitored.
Who would benefit from this Program?
A student with this difficulty will have some or all of the following problems:
- Difficulty with the mechanical aspect of writing
- Difficulty putting words on paper
- Can speak better than can write
- Messy handwriting and careless errors in spelling and math
- Difficulty with forming letters and with motor planning in writing
Results speak for themselves
First day working on Motor Symbol Sequencing
Six months into the Program
If you think you or someone close to you could benefit from this program, we’d love to speak with you.
Fill out the Expression of Interest form, and we will get in touch with you to discuss more.
Stand-Alone Assessment
The cognitive abilities assessment is core to the Arrowsmith Program. It enables us to understand the needs of our students, to design personalized programs to help them meet their goals and to track the progress they make in building their skills.
They are also useful for individuals to understand their own profile of strengths and weaknesses.
Assessments are included as a part of the part-time core programs, and are also available separately from any courses.
Assessments typically take between 4 and 5 hours to complete.
The assessments package includes analysis of results, creation of an Individual Learning Profile, and a briefing session on recommendations for further study.
Cognitive 55+
What is this Program?
The Cognitive 55+ Program focuses on strengthening the Symbol Relations cognitive function which means a more powerful and positive capacity to grasp and process information quickly and to focus on and retain what is critical.
This program takes place at home online. Daily cognitive activity and regular online meetings with an Arrowsmith facilitator mean daily progress towards a stronger brain.
Studies show that the Symbol Relations Cognitive Program leads to structural and functional changes in the brain as well as significant cognition improvements such as memory, processing speed, attention, and reasoning.
Who is the Program for?
The Arrowsmith Cognitive 55+ Program is for those looking to keep their brains sharp. Suitable for those with cognitive challenges and those interested in building their cognitive reserve as they age. Please note this program will not halt or reverse neurodegenerative issues such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.
How Long is the Program?
The Cognitive 55+ Program is 4 hours per week of training. Most participants notice improvements within 3 months, and we recommend a 10 month commitment for best results.
Consider this an investment in your functioning, performance and quality of life.